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Why Rescu’s Medical alert service stores your address
Home Security, Personal Safety

Why Rescu’s Medical alert service stores your address


In an emergency, first responders need to be able to find you, and fast. To ensure that they do just that, Rescu asks that you input a “Dispatch Address” after downloading the app to your phone. Storing your address within the app allows for emergency responders to know your exact location. Here’s a deep look at what stored address emergency services are and why Rescu uses them.

What Are Stored Address Emergency Services?

Stored  medical alert address services can be used to get help sent directly to a particular address you specify rather than relying on GPS technology or verbal communication to locate you in an emergency. This functionality is used by several medical alert systems, including Rescu.

Because they do not require any verbal communication with an operator, they may result in faster emergency response than location-based services. They also may be more accurate since GPS locations aren’t always exact.

How Do They Work?

As previously mentioned, stored address emergency services are typically used with medical alert devices. When you are setting up your medical alert system, you will be asked to input your home address or a physical home base will need to be installed. This address will become your dispatch location when emergency services are requested. So in an emergency, once you request for help via a medical alert service, emergency responders are sent straight to your stored dispatch address.

These services are ideal for the elderly who aren’t as active, deaf people who may struggle to communicate with dispatch operators, and many others.

Why Rescu Stores Your Address

The Rescu medical alert app is the fastest way to get help in an emergency, and the use of stored addresses contributes directly to that! Rescu stores your address for a variety of reasons, the first being to save time. Rescu’s system doesn’t require you to communicate your location to an additional party, so it can save valuable minutes in an emergency.

For example, 9-1-1 calls and other systems may put you in a queue behind non-emergent cases or reroute your call if there is an error with the triangulation system. Whereas, when your address is already stored, you can guarantee the fastest possible help is sent to the right location without ever saying a word.

Another reason Rescu opted to store addresses is because it can easily integrate with your existing home security system. Let’s say you are traveling out of state and your smart smoke alarms or home surveillance system alerts you to potential danger. You will not be able to call 9-1-1 back home to have help sent to your house.

With Rescu Prime, you can request police, fire, or medical dispatch to your address regardless of your location. And unlike other medical alert systems that utilize stored addresses for emergencies, Rescu Prime allows you to input multiple dispatch addresses. So, if you’d like to include a loved one’s address or your work, you can have emergency dispatch sent there as well.

Get Complete Peace of Mind With Rescu

When it comes to emergency dispatch, you need the fastest emergency help possible. Rescu has got you covered by storing your dispatch address! \

With the Rescu app, all it takes is 2 simple taps on your mobile device to request emergency medical help to your stored dispatch address. And for more protection, regardless of your location, you can upgrade to Rescu Prime for added fire and police services for up to 4 different dispatch addresses.

Make your personal safety a priority with Rescu.

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